Here are the Top 10 ways to have success in at songwriting in the new millennium of music business –

1. Write what you know
2. Analyze current hits and classics
3. Build a quality website and blog for your artistry
4. Get regular feedback from a trusted mentor
5. When you see an opportunity - go for it
6. Write with other artists
7. Specialize in a niche – what is yours?
8. Take steps daily
9. Have a written plan of long, mid and short term goals and review often
10. Simplify everything
These are in no particular order, because they are things you can and should be doing all the time.
Nothing earth shattering here. No revelations of things you don’t already know you need to be doing…
And yet the key, as one of our favorite Songpreneurs author’s Chet Holmes asks is not whether or not you know something, but whether or not you are doing it. (links to Amazon Affiliate page where you can purchase Ultimate Sales Machine #commissionearned)
If you combine these 10 things with a little luck, you can be sure to experience more success in this next year.
And what is luck but opportunity meets preparation?
When you know what you want and have the drive and discipline to put these steps in motion, it will be easier to move forward.
Make sure you sign up for our email newsletter for lots of good kick in the pants tips like this one.
Next time, we’ll be talking about how saying NO is a primary success factor in professional songwriting.
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